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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Journal entry for December 30, 2015

We all got some good sleep last night.  In our house, that is a luxury and a precious commodity that we truly value.

I changed a few diapers this morning of Ben and Blake.  Daddys change diapers (and so do moms).

In addition to the diaper changes, I had the honor of feeding Ben breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dessert.  I am at work to where I cannot feed him dinner tonight.

I had a hard time getting Ben to eat his green beans.  Getting him to eat bak bak (Chicken Nuggets), goldfish crackers, cake, and ice cream, now that's a different story entirely.  I love eating and hanging out with my little eater.

I got to play "lights", turning on and off the light switch, cars, and drew on his new chalkboard.

Today also began a marathon session of decluttering our home.  I'm giving away things at least once a day.  I'm going to give things to Goodwill for other people to use.  We don't need some things and we need the space in our present home.

I had a good thing happen for me at work today.  Tune in to my next blog post to find out what it was.

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