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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Journal Entry for April 27, 2015

I hit the snooze button once this morning.  I woke up at 7:30 a.m.  I got my coffee ready and I got Ben's milk going before he woke up.

This just in:  I achieved something special on my XBOX360 playing 'The Price is Right Decades' game.  I "conquered" the maze in 1987's "Pathfinder".  I did it on a 1987 mazda 323SE worth $7,153.

Ben woke up just beofre 8:15.  I got to see a little bit of "Today" and "Good Morning America" before he had his first bottle of the day.

I let Ben play with my Playstation two controllers.  I think I see a future gamer at home.  For the most part, he takes good good care of them.  I think he'll let me play some games down the road.

We spent time playing in his new tent.  Before that, we played with his blue hippo ball machine with some round balls and Easter eggs going through there.

I squeezed in finishing "Lethal Weapon 4" before Ben ate his scrumptious breakfast.  I fed him some pancakes, blueberry puffs, and some whole blueberries.  I think he likes blueberries.  I was surprised to see him finish the entire plate.  I beamed.  My boy can eat.

Right after that, I changed his diaper.  Good thing I did because it was well timed and poopy.  He pitched a fit because he didn't want me to change him.  I was good because I didn't yell at him or get frustrated at him.  

Last night, I said a prayer for patience and understanding.  That helped me deal with my toddler.  I think I'll need to do that again for the future.

Ben surprised me when he woke up early, before 1PM.  I was so happy for that I skipped a shower.  I was smart to finish meal prep for him early in the morning.  
I did better in getting him dressed and diapered on time.  That helped us get out the door faster and earlier.

I got Ben off to daycare early and in a reasonable amount of time.  The usual 15-20 minute was a therapeutic one for me.  Today I relaxed and enjoyed the drive to Ben's daycare.

Sometimes, I get scared in taking Ben to daycare all by myself.  Let me explain.  I want to be able to hear Ben while he's strapped in his car seat in the back seat.  Right now, I can't see him too well while I'm driving.  I hope to hear him in a happy state while we're commuting together.

Sometimes I'll hear him crying and I feel helpless when he does.  I can't do anything to help him because I can't go to the back seat to see him.  I have to deliver some silent prayers that he's going to be OK.

One of the hardest parts of my day after telling Ben's daycare handlers about his lunch is leaving him behind.  I make sure that I give him some last minute lovins on the cheek before I leave for work.

I take my usual path right down Main Street onto Jiles Road.  Then I'm of to the left on Wade Green Road before driving down I-75 toward Midtown Atlanta.

It takes me about 30 minutes to get to work from Kennesaw.  SiriusXM and Sports talk as well as News talk help me through the drive.  Radio makes my drive fun for me.

I wonder what I'll hear on 1st wave or hair nation as I'm on the go.  If there is a song that I like, I'll sing to it.  Today nothing stood out for me to sing to.

I don't remember all the work I did for CBS46 tonight.  All I could hope for was that I did my job well and that I did not disappoint anyone in my eight hours of service here at the station.

Three days down at work, two to go before my weekend begins.

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