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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Journal Entry for December 31, 2015 (NEW YEAR'S EVE)

Today has been a tough day for me.  Both at home and at work, I got frustrated.  I was more visibly frustrated here at work than I was at home.

I had one job to do at home (two if you count holding Blake):  I had to watch Ben and make sure he did not mess with our tool box.  

Kelly put together Ben's new Planes toy, and I just sat there.  I got to learn to step up from now on.  No more sitting on the sidelines for me when it comes to being a husband and a father.

The 5PM newscast for CBS46 was a disaster.  I did not get the best from my producer, field crews, and director for when things were not feeding in on time and I got a lot of snide comments from the director.  I can hear them over the loudspeaker.

I needed to take a TV timeout around 6PM so that I could regroup.  This was only the second day of 2015 where I needed to consider taking a mental health day off from work.

I've got to get better at what I do so that I'm not stuck editing VOs and SOT/VOs for the rest of my life.  

That begins now as I start writing some sample stories and posting them to this blog.  

Happy reading.

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