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Monday, January 25, 2016

Dreaming of work again

Early this morning, I had this weird dream where I was doing poorly at work.  I was working poorly fo rmy current employer CBS46.  One of my bosses came over to my edit work station and told me that I needed to log more sound from Donald Trump.  He caught me doing my own side projects instead of doing the work I was supposed to be doing.

I felt, sad, ashamed, embarrassed, and I wanted to prove that I was better than that.  So after that talking to, I got to work and logged about 15 minutes worth of press conference sound from Donald Trump.  I remember in the dream that he was standing in front of some navy blue curtains and there was a brown podium with a black microphone cover over the microphone.  I don't remember if he had a sign or a banner on the podium.

Later on in my dreams, I returned to work for CNN as a video editor.  I was working with a couple of supervisors that I used to know.  They gave me some editing assignments on paper.  They had the typeface of what I saw from my jr. high and high school report cards.  I was told to edit some simple VOs and SOTs for different newscasts throughout the day.  I felt privileged to come back to work for CNN and do my thing.

 In reality, I'm firmly entrenched and employed here at CBS46.  I don't have any more plans to return to work for CNN.  I'm going to be the best something or another I can be as long as I'm here.

I'm ready to be the best editor and writer that I can be.  In addition to that, I'm determined to be the best husband and father I can be.  I owe it to Kelly, Ben, Blake, and Gandalf.

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