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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Journal Entry for January 5, 2016

I woke up to our Blake keeping us up a bit overnight.  I feel bad for my wife where she has to sleep in the chair to keep Blake asleep.  I wish I could do more to make our sleep situation better for all of us.  Ben is at least sleeping well throughout the night.

I made Ben's milk and breakfast before he went back to school for the first time in 2016.  My wife made Ben his lunch.  I wanted to step up for the whole family this morning.  I feel good that I did my part in driving Ben to and from school on this day.  I got to bond with Ben a little bit while we were riding together.  I wish I could have heard him say something, anything, to me.  It doesn't have to be anything recognizable.  I just want to hear his voice so that I know he is ok.

I started to get some more writing practice again this afternoon.  I'm putting in my stories in my notebook before putting them down here on my blog.  So far, I have a half-a-page down for today.  I will write some more stories in my notebook later tonight.

Now I get to be a parental coach to my friend Phil.  Be became a new father late last year.  He's entering that special place where he has to take care of that special precious baby that will become a pooping and peeing and crying machine.  For all of that, the one time she smiles will make it all worth while in the end.

Right now, I caught up on some Candy Crush saga for six games and lost.  I am still stuck on level 461.  I can't catch a break in that game.

I'm about to watch another "The Big Bang Theory" rerun on TV before eating some dinner.  I've got to heat it up and eat it fast.  The onslaught of videos to edit for the 11pm newscast will come fast and furious before you know it.

So far, it has been relatively easy to edit tonight's 11pm newscast.  I was not as much in the land of VOs and SOT/VOs like I thought I was going to be.  I had great help from my friend and co-worker Brett to get this show put together.

I have a producer that is making a video right for me.  That video is about a baby crying app where it can tell you why the baby is crying.  She is going to find me some video (along with some good sound) of babies crying.

After work, I'll be home, and hopefully, I'll have some happy babies :-)

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