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Friday, January 15, 2016

Journal Entry for January 15, 2016

Today is one day before my 40th birthday.  I know for sure that it will hit me tomorrow as I hit the BIG 4-0.

Today, The big screams and cries of Blake woke me up early this morning.  I could hear him through the monitor in Ben's room.  Ben woke up shortly thereafter.

I had to change Blake's diaper, and whoo-whee.  He gave me the biggest diaper I've ever seen on him.  It must have been his dinner and milk that he ate last night.  Whatever he ate, keep feeding it to him as he sleeps throughout the night.  The more Blake can sleep, the better sleep my wife and I get as parents.

I gave Blake three bottles of milk while Ben had Breakfast, snack of "fruit snacks", breakfast 2 (sort of, waiting impatiently for bak bak), and finally, lunch (bak bak came to him) and he ate his chicken nuggets up.

I caught up on all my cartoons and kid shows with my boys ("Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, "Sheriff Callie", and "Jake and the Neverland Pirates.")  I've got more TV to catch up on later.  I'll have to wait until my 40th birthday to get that underway.

I'm now editing and watching the Atlanta Hawks basketball game on Fox Sports Southeast.  Soon, I'll be done reading the Sunday Edition of the "Atlanta Journal Constitution" for January 10, 2016.  I have a long way to go to finish up the Sunday, January 10, 2016 editing of the "Marietta Daily Journal".

For the first time this year, I played "Mafia Wars".  I hadn't had the desire to play in quite a long time.  I didn't feel the need to play until today.  I'm going to try to play the game again from time to time.  I will not make it an obsession like I did back in my early heyday with the game.  Sometimes I fear that I let the game take over many aspects of my life.  It's supposed to be just for fun.

I'm less than an hour from the BIG 4-0.  I'm excited about what tomorrow and the future bring.  I don't feel 40.  I probably won't feel 40 anytime soon.

Mentally, I feel like I'm a big kid.  I feel that I'm on a level where I can play with my two kids in any game that they want to play.  When Ben and Blake get older, I want to be able to do the fun things that they do.  I'll even teach them how to play some video games.

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