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Monday, January 25, 2016

Journal entry for January 25, 2016

This morning did not go smooth as I'm used to seeing.  I work up with a bad cough and I spit up some green stuff.  I felt this same way early and late last year.

I woke up just in time to get Ben his sippy cup of milk.  I was so happy to see him and give him milk, I let him go a little while without changing his diaper.  I wanted him to be happy, fun, and talkative before I had to do my daddy duties.

The rest of my family were under the weather and weren't at our healthy best today, myself included.

We got the day going with some "Special Agent Oso" on Disney Junior.  I mixed in some "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" and "Sesame Street" for Ben.

I ad the distinct pleasure of making Ben's breakfast of Chocolate Chip Waffles and Sausage rounds.  I think I liked it more than Ben did.  That should never happen, but he's two and he won't be as enthusiastic about breakfast like I am.

I'm writing this entry with about a little more than an hour to go before showtime for the 11PM Newscast on CBS46.

Ben said "Good Morning" clear as day, and he said "Brush Teeth" to where I could understand him.

I let Ben brush his teeth in order for him to get good at it.  I let him play with the light switches as we were doing 'Brush Teeth'.  He did so good at standing on his stool to get his job done.  I even put water on his toothbrush as he called for it.  He's good at saying 'water'.

At some point, I had to let him down and send him on his way to play out in the living room.  As soon as that happened, Ben started screaming and wanted his way.  I had to be the parent in this situation and stand firm in what I was doing.

I'm trying to get better and get rid of this cough, so it's time to wind it down and come back strong tomorrow.

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