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Friday, January 8, 2016

Journal entry for January 7, 2016

I woke up in time for Ben's sippy cup of milk and for his 2-year doctor appointment this morning.

I got my morning coffee in my belly before I gave Ben his breakfast this morning.  It is an honor for me to feed my little Ben.  It's also fun to chase him around the house before hand.  Even before that, he pulled my finger and dragged me from the living room and into another part of the house.  I don't know what he wanted to do.  He couldn't tell me.

Ben and I played some toys as we were waiting to get him examined for his two-year checkup.  He grew to almost three feet.  He gained a couple more pounds.  I thought he'd gain more because he has turned into a champion eater.  I think his champion climbing and running around has helped him keep the weight down.  I think that's helped me keep my weight down since I quit going to a gym.

I felt bad for Ben on two fronts:  he cried after getting his flu shot and he cried after we told him he could no longer play with the lights on a lamp at the doctor's office.  He cried until we got to the car.  After that, he was fine and clam all the way home.

Even Blake was good and calm when we were getting Ben going for his doctor's visit.  Blake was along for the ride since he didn't have to have anything done to him today.

After my healthy dinner of PB&J, fruit, and vegetables, I'm ready to get back to editing.

In addition to editing the 11 pm show, I'm watching some "American Idol" on TV.

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