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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Journal Entry for January 27, 2016

It's been a tough day all the way around.

First of all, I overslept way to much this morning.  You saw it here first.  I woke up in my bed at 8:30 this morning.  That it's not normal for me at all anymore.

I got Ben and Blake up with milk and diaper changes before 9am.  I gave Ben a champions breakfast filled with Life Cereal, a Nutri-grain bar, and some blueberries.  I simultaneously fed Blake his 5 ounce bottle of milk.  He took a few takes to drink most of it town.

Sometimes I have my timing down to do simultaneous feedings, sometimes I don't like today.  I had to let Ben up from his high chair before Blake was done eating.

I played blanket fort with Ben and I let Blake play on the play mat.  As Ben played with his toys, I saw something most spectacular.  I saw Blake begin to take the first steps of crawling on the floor.  I video taped the moment on my iPhone.  I'll post that historic video soon.

The hardest parts of my day are getting housework done in the noon hour, getting the boys ready for day care, dropping them off at daycare, leaving for work, and barreling through the 2.5 hours of news for editing.

Today was a most challenging day for me here at CBS46.  I had to rush edit some helicopter video of a major traffic tie-up on the Southbound lanes of I-75 in Marietta.  I also worried about my wife getting home on time.

The incident that shut down all the Southbound lanes of Interstate 75 (and two left lanes of the NB I-75) were the result of the shooting of a Georgia State Trooper.

Here's a link to CBS46's ongoing coverage of the mess that was I-75.

THIS JUST IN:  All lanes on I-75 are re-opened.  I think I can go home safely tonight.

I've been sick all day and I feel like I should call in sick tomorrow.  It's a shame that I'm not getting any better and that my cough is getting worse and worse.

I'm still sick, sick, sick.  It sucks.

I need a good night sleep to get me out of this funk.  I even need to try to gargle salt water, hot salt water to see how good that will work.  I'm ready to try anything.

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