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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Journal Entry for January 20, 2016

I work up twice this morning:  Once around 7:10 A.M.; the other time was 7:40 A.M. for good.

I had to get up to get Ben's milk ready and to get Blake from out of the Pack and Play.  He slept there up until I heard him stirring and moving around a bit.  I could tell he wasn't sleeping.  I could hear Ben waking up through the monitor and that was what got Ben out of his slumber.

Ben and I played cars, pull daddy by the finger, and say words on a page.  He did good in all three.

One of my favorite moments of the day was when Blake touched the back of Ben's hair, and Ben didn't react badly to it at all.  I'm proud of my boy.  Good job Ben.  Seriously, I think my two sons like each other.

One of my tougher times was around lunchtime.  I had to balance feeding Ben and putting Blake somewhere secure.  As Ben was eating his meal, Blake was sitting with his toys in his little booster seat.  I had to tell Ben that "Doggy" had to sit just away from him so that he could be clean during mealtime.

I was so proud of Ben eating enough of his chicken nuggets and vegetables, I gave him some Ice Cream for dessert.  He wore it pretty well and ate it up too.  I had to change his nap time outfit because he got it so sticky.  It's also my fault for not putting a nice little bib on him.

Thank goodness I had two cups of coffee in be during my home portion of the day.  It helps me function and keep me going for the rest of the day.

Long story short, we all got out of the house at 1:17 P.M. and it was onward to daycare.  I had to say good bye to both of them so that I could get to work on time here at CBS46.

I made it in the building with a couple minutes to spare.  I had to reboot my AVID workstation, putting me about 10 minutes behind in the beginning.  Somehow, I can catch up and get moving once I get started editing.  I guess I have some "ninja" fast skills to get videos on the air.

I think I did something special for the 11PM show tonight.

I got to edit a package from scratch, something my line of work doesn't allow me to do very often.  I can honestly say I'm tired and I'm drained from doing it.  I feel good about what I put down on my editing timeline.  I'll soon post my edited package on an Atlanta group of volunteers donating clean, bottled water to the people of Flint, Michigan.

My TV viewing consisted of "Family Guy", CBS Soaps "The Bold and the Beautiful" and "The Young and the Restless", Georgia Basketball, "Modern Family", "The Big Bang Theory", and Atlanta Hawks basketball.

Time for me to sign off for the day.  I'll be back for more again tomorrow.

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