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Monday, January 4, 2016

Journal Entry for January 4, 2016

I woke up at 7:40 am with Blake asleep and me dragging myself out of bed.

I got up in time to have Ben's milk ready to go.  He got to drink most of it and enjoy it before I had to engage him in a diaper change.  Ben predictably fought me on the diaper change.  I love him too much to leave him in a soggy overnight diaper.

Once Ben got out of the room, we played and we didn't have the TV on for a while.  He played with his little people toy with the cars going down the ramp.

Later on, we played "blanket fort."  Without him using words, he let me know with some whining that he wanted me to paly "blanket fort" with him.  I call the fort "Fort Ben."

We jammed every imaginable toy and game inside the trunk where we play.  He even wanted to put a box of crayons there.  That was fine.  I 'drew' the line when it came to coloring inside the trunk.

Ben had a good breakfast and lunch.  He had a granola bar and some fruit and then he had 'bak bak' (Chicken nuggets), goldfish crackers, and a pea.  I forgot to give him dessert, but I gave him milk as a treat.

I gave Ben some naptime just before I gave a crying Blake his bottle.  He and I napped together just before the CBS46 noon news.  I thought he was sleeping good, so I put him in the swing.  Unfortunately, he didn't sleep well there.  I tried, but I failed to get him to sleep.  I made him mad by doing chores around the house and not paying enough attention to him.  I failed him there.

The hardest part of my day is leaving the babies behind at daycare before sprinting off to work here at CBS46.  Before I left, I donated some of Blake's old clothes and made sure Blake had extra clothes in case he had a blowout.  At least I got him his milk for the day at daycare.

Late here at work, it's yet another mad scramble to get the show written and edited.  My team of producers and writers seem to be playing catch-up yet again.  I wish I had what it takes to get a break to write something just so I can speed the process along.  I promise I am not the best writer, but I'd be one of the hardest working.

Work is done!!!!!  Time to go home.

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