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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Journal entry for January 13, 2016

Ben and Blake made my day this morning and afternoon.  There were just a couple of times where diaper changes were challenging for me (both Ben squirming on me).  Blake was a pleasure to change.  Neither had especially challenging diapers for me this morning.

Ben had a good mix of breakfast and lunch. I gave him some fruity cheerios and some blueberries.  For lunch, I gave him some steak fingers and a fruit cup.  He fed me a piece of steak finger and dipped it in the fruit cup syrup.  I thought that was cute.

Ben said Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy while identifying some Disney stickers.  He said Goofy the best and clearest of the characters.

We all caught up on some "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" and some "Daniel Tigers Neighborhood" on DVR.  I caught up on the first Republican Debate and part of the 2nd Republican Debate on DVR yesterday and today.  I think I learned something from those two debates from September in Simi Valley, California.

Blake slept for me for an hour before I had to get Ben up and Blake into his car seat for day care.

I had to make three stops after going to daycare.  I had to go to an ATM, McDonalds, and a Shell Station/Convenience store so that I could go play powerball before coming into work.

I got into work later than I would have liked to, but it was worth it just for the chance to be a new millionaire.  I don't think I'm going to be one when I get home tonight.  I know, cue the tears.

I seemed to have eaten everything I got my hands on today.  Where do I begin (why, with lunch of course).  I had stir fry/fried rice (twice), a hash brown potato, salad with ranch dressing, a cookie dough cupcake, shredded chicken, 2 slices of Papa John's Pizza, yogurt, an orange, and a cereal bar.

Now I'm thirsty.  I almost wrote that I was Thursday.  Whoops!!!!!

I've got to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow and take Ben back to school.

Now, I'm going to try to read up on Sunday's business section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

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