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Friday, May 13, 2016

Journal Entry for May 10, 2016

I got to sleep in a little bit this morning.  I work up a little well after Ben and Blake were already awake and a bottle into their morning.  I wanted to be there to fix their breakfasts.  I think I did, but I don't remember.  I remember that my wife had to work again today.  I had the pleasure of taking Ben and Blake to preschool while listening to Glenn Beck on the radio.  Sorry boys, I hope I didn't scar you right there.  Ben got to ride with Doggy in his car seat while Blake got to ride next to him.  In the end, Ben was the one who got to be dropped off at school.  I took Blake home with me soon afterward.

Blake and I had a ball at home.  I played cars with him and showed him some cartoons and some old TV shows I had recorded a long time ago on the DirecTV DVR.  I try really hard not to be glued to the old TV while I'm on duty as a daddy.  I make funny faces at him while he's down on the ground.  I give him a few raspberries on his little tummy in order to make him laugh.  I love to see him smile and show me his four front teeth (two on the bottom and two on top).  Blake has the same gap-tooth smile as Ben does.

One minute, Blake is conked out on the lunch counter while Ben is eating.  Another minute, Blake is a happy little camper.  I love the happy baby/happy daddy dynamic going on at home.  Ben was still in school at the time, so Ben was not actually with us on this day today.  Blake had his fill of food and sleep in such a short time, so we played and played on the floor for a while.  Blake got a little more of his footing down when he was on the ground trying to walk.  Sometimes I have to move Blake away from the kitty mansion so that he doesn't hit a corner on his head.  I did that to myself once as a four-year-old.  I don't want that fate for that beautiful face of his.

I don't recall all the good I did at work tonight, but I saw the Oklahoma City Thunder defeat the San Antonio Spurs in Game 5 of the NBA's Western Conference Semi-Finals.  I hope the Thunder hold serve on home court and win Game 6 on Thursday Night.  We shall see.  Oh, and I'm catching up on watching the Braves play their opening day game from April 4th.

Have fun tonight.  I'll be back for more tomorrow.

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