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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Journal Entry for May 9, 2016

Today is the beginning of my week (both work and home with the boys).  I woke up to the sweet, squeaky sounds of my baby boy Blake.  I can hear him from one bedroom into my room while I'm still engrossed in sleep.  After getting seven hours of shut-eye, I got up and got Blake out of his crib.  I got him ready with a clean diaper and a bottle.  He's getting so good at holding his own bottle and drinking out of it on his own.  The act of me holding up his bottle is merely ceremonial and sentimental.  It's not necessary for me to do that anymore.  I'm going to miss holding Blake while he's being fed a bottle.  Soon, he will graduate to drinking from a sippy cup and he will drink regular milk.

I watched a lot of "Paw Patrol" with the boys after they had their morning beverages.  I caught up on some reading in the Washington Post on my FIRE tablet.  After that, I made the boys some breakfast.  I heated up Ben's sausage and Blake's oatmeal.  They both did extremely well.  I admire Ben's table manners after he gets done eating and gets full.  I have to work with him on waiting to be dismissed.  I have to wipe Ben down pretty good.

Ben likes to turn the lights on and off a lot.  I'm working extremely hard to curb him of that habit.  Blake likes to bump into me when he's crawling.  He's getting better at taking a few steps to walking.   I'm proud of the progress both boys are making in getting around and playing together.  I still have to get on to Ben for rough housing Blake too hard.  When Blake cries extremely loud, I have to discipline Ben for it.

After a day of play, feeding, and diaper changes with the boys, I have to go to work now.  I will miss my entire family all day long and I wish to spend more time with all of them than I do.  I have to do the best I can while I'm here and press forward throughout the day.  Coffee will be waiting for me here at work and I'll be back with a new entry tomorrow.

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