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Friday, May 6, 2016

Journal Entry for the weekend of April 30, 2016

I got to sleep in very late (for me) on Saturday.  I had a chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep and dream dreams that I haven't dreamed in a while.  On the down side, I missed out on some cool moments like watching the boys wake up and see their happy faces.  Ben came into my room to wake me up for a time.  I didn't mind that he walked in and wanted to be with me.  That's encouraging and refreshing that he'd want to spend any time with his daddy (me).

This weekend would prove to be one where we would not go out all that much.  Saturday was a bad day for me.  It started out with all the best of intentions for me to take Ben out to the park in Acworth near the lake.  Not ten minutes later, the rain came down and it was a bad thing for us.  That signaled that it was time for me and Ben to go back home.  My worry was that if we stayed out too long in the rain, Ben would get sick.  I could not let that happen to my little baby.  That made Ben sad, then it made him mad.  I had trouble getting him back in the car because of that.  The rest of the day Ben was good and he had fun playing with his toys out in the living room and during bath time.

Sunday was a better day for Ben and our family.  We were not feeling all that well to go to church on this particular day, so we decided to sit it out.  We turned that into a positive for all of us.  We all decided to have a family day out at the park.  Ben got to run around uninterrupted on the playground and out on the grass.  The only times I had to get a hold of Ben was when he had to steer clear of the gazebo where there was to be a birthday party overlooking the lake.  I know that Ben would have loved to play and run around inside the gazebo.  He's good at running around and exploring inside there.

Ben and Blake played so well together at the park.  I was pleased.  I was especially happy that Ben didn't try to push Blake too hard.  Blake loves to ride the little boat.  I will try to put him in the boat by himself next time we go out to the park.  The only thing that broke this party up was the hot weather.  We called it a day before noon before we came back home for the afternoon.

The day got better as I picked up a refillable soda cup for my wife and I at the RaceTrac.  I'm going to eat up, or in this case, drink up all the soda I can between now and the end of July.  I love soda.  My first drink was an "Arnold Palmer" minus the booze.

It's time for me to wrap this up and get ready for the upcoming week.  Until then, I'll see you all later.

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