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Monday, May 23, 2016

Journal Entry: Week in review May 16-22, 2016

I didn't have a lot of time to write new entries this past week.  I spent a lot of time trying to make up for the old entries I missed out on.  I was busy with raising my two boys a lot while my wife was working and helping out during the daytime.  I spent a lot of time feeding, playing with, and changing the clothes of my two boys all by myself.  I tried to remember all the fun and all the good times I spent with them as I was there for them.  I tried to block out the times I had to get on them for doing things they weren't supposed to do.  I'm learning how to gain more patience with them over time.

I'm trying to be patient about things here at work.  I'm sure that I'm more than capable of doing great things here.  I know I Have to be mindful about what I'm doing, what I'm editing, and how I'm talking to producers and potential clients.  I have to keep all of those things in mind as I'm spending my time working here in my edit bay.

I've been catching up on some of my TV watching from the old DVR on my DirecTV.  I'm still short of my goal of having 50% free space on there before I go on vacation with my family.  I'm having no problem watching movies and getting rid of them afterward.  This past weekend, my wife and I watched the tribute to legendary TV director James Burrows and "The Toy."  Those were rare back to back nights we watched complete shows together.

Finally, I'm working on rehabilitating myself in terms of my church activity.  At least I hope to today and after I return from my vacation.  I'm going to try to go to church more, serve God and my fellow man more, and give more to very worthy causes within my church.  I will do those things after I have made sure my boys' needs have been met.  That is all for this week.  I'll be back for more again soon.

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