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Monday, February 22, 2016

Dreams come true: Ben and Blake were born

I thought I knew about love.  I really did.  I thought I knew what love was fully all about.  It turns out that I didn't.

Don't get me wrong, I love my wife Kelly with all my heart and soul.  I'd do anything in the world for her.  She is everything to me in my life.

However, over the last few years, we've added a couple of pieces to our family.  We've added Ben and Blake into the Irwin household.  The Irwin family as I see it is now complete.

I love Ben and Blake with all my heart and with hugs and kisses.  I'm happy when Ben is happy.  I'm hurt when Ben is hurt.  Same thing goes for Blake.

I love to see Ben run, speak, eat, sleep, and laugh.  I love to see Blake crawl, speak, smile, laugh, and eat.

I feel like I need to be the hero for all my boys.  I cry when I miss my boys and I smile and cry happy tears when I see my boys for the first time in a day.

I can't wait to see what is in store for my two boys today, tomorrow, and the future.  I can't wait to wake up to them each and every day and give all the love I have for them.

I will never not tell Ben and Blake that I love them each and every day.  That is my promise.

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