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Monday, February 29, 2016

Journal Entry for the weekend of February 27, 2016

I got a late start in waking up for our adventure to my wife's family's hometown this weekend.

Kelly, Ben, Blake, and I set out on a journey to see her family down in Sandersville.  We got there in plenty of time.  I don't believe either one of our children got a good nap in Saturday Afternoon.  We all played with some toys in the playroom.  Ben wanted to turn on and off the lights.

Before we left for Kelly's mom's house, Ben said 'doggy, get down' and 'doggy, get down now.'  Ben said it in such a Southern Drawl, he made me proud.  I cried happy tears on the inside.

Ben wanted to play with the lights all day and night.  I played with him some of the time, and I had to say no a lot.  I let Ben brush teeth with the big toothbrush (i.e. my toothbrush).  He was doing pretty good with it.  He also wanted to play with the lights in the bathroom too.  I had to say no to him a lot.  I wanted him to be serious about brushing teeth before I had to take the toothbrush away from him.

Ben was getting tired as was Blake.  Ben was getting a little mad because I wasn't letting him play with the switch on the ceiling fan in the playroom.  I wanted to make sure the fan wasn't compromised and I didn't want it to fall and hit a child's head.

Before bedtime, I had to make sure they had their yummies.  Ben got a sippy cup and Blake got a bottle.

Before I went to bed, I learned that the Phoenix Suns led wire to wire and beat the Memphis Grizzlies for their first win of the month of February.  The Suns had lost 13 in a row and were on track for their first winless calendar month in team history.  I need the Suns to keep losing so that the can get a high draft pick in June.

Sunday was a fun day.  We went to a methodist church to see our niece Mia sing.  I got some pictures of her and her preschool class, but she didn't sing much.  I was hoping she would.  She had a surprise song for us and everything.  I forgot what the song was though.  I think it was 'Jesus loves me.'  Mia was the one in the green dress.

After church, we ate at the Country Buffet on the square in Sandersville.  I got to feed both Ben and Blake some real food.  Blake loved squash and he even loved the ice cream.

Look at the face on Blake eating some cold ice cream.  Ice cream is one of daddy's favorites too.

Ben got in on some of the yummies as well.

We got to spend time with Kelly's father and we brought the boys with us.  Ben wanted to play with the lights and light switches there too.  I let him play a few times.  I even fed him some jelly beans and crackers to keep him occupied.

I was worried about it being late for us, especially the boys, getting back home to Acworth.

The hardest part of the ride home was when Blake was crying/screaming while we were on the road for at least a half-hour.

Ben and Blake were both zonked out when we got home.  Gandalf was extra meowy tonight.

We finished up our night watching the end of the Academy Awards on ABC.  After that, it was bedtime and a time to catch up on our sleep.

It would turn out to be a good decision to get home on this Sunday night.

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