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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Journal Entry for February 3, 2016

I overslept by way too much for me this morning.

I got up just after 8:45 AM, and I had to make a mad dash just to get Ben's bottle ready and then I had to wake up Blake right after that.  I have been used to waking up at 7:45 each and every morning for a long time.  I did so at the service of my two sons.  I love it.

We caught up on some cartoons and some soap opera action on TV.

I made Ben a pretty good breakfast with Sausage, Golden Grahams, and some Blueberries.  He ate most of it.  I was able to fed Ben solo after I fed Blake his bottle of milk.  They were well fed for a long time until mid-morning.

I made Ben a special lunch.  He ate Chicken and waffles.  I gave Blake Sweet Potatoes.  I called them "sweet taters."  I had the utmost honor of feeding my babies.  I love it!!!

Again the hardest part of my day is getting all of us ready to go to daycare and work (and keeping Gandalf away from the door) as well as saying goodbye to them.  I miss them even as I type this up.

In getting ready for the 11PM newscast for tonight, I've been watching part one of "Madoff" on ABC, Hawks Basketball, and Fox 5 News while I've been editing videos.  Richard Dreyfuss played the hell out of Bernard Madoff.  He even looks the part too.

I'm gonna beat this cough and get my vasectomy tomorrow.  I'm happy and content with two sons as part of my family.  I don't think I can handle any more at this time (or any other time).

Tomorrow is gonna be big as I get this vasectomy done.  I also pray for my friend Doug Braxton has he has a major procedure coming up tomorrow.  Godspeed Doug.  Godspeed.

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