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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Journal Entry for February 23, 2016

Ben went back to preschool for the first time in 12 days.  Last week Ben had "Winter Break" as he and all his preschool classmates followed the Cobb County school calendar.

I had a Mountain Dew for the first time in I don't know how long.  It tasted good.  It tasted good with my pretzel chips and my peanut butter granola bar.

I had fun giving Blake some daddy time while my wife was working on some leads today.

We caught up on the news, "The Price is Right", and some cartoons while Ben was in school today.

I had fun with Blake as I picked him up from preschool and took him home.  I was doing so well until I tried to take him out of his car seat.  I had to almost take away his toy and his doggy in order to get him out of his seat.  I made him cry and I didn't mean to.

I ended things with Ben on a high note before I went to work.  Ben and I got hugs and kisses before I left the door.

Work was a little bit difficult to start my day.  I had trouble with a couple of soundbites for a 'reality check' segment for the 5PM show.

Work is going slowly on the 11PM show again tonight.  I'm guessing we're waiting for that next great video to make it to our show on CBS46.

I'm hoping to be dazzled so that I can dazzle my viewing audience for our newscast.  I don't want to let them down.

Time to go home for the night.  I'm sleepy.

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