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Monday, February 15, 2016

Dreams over the weekend

Dreaming of CNN (AGAIN)

I had a dream where I was back working for CNN, again.  I was back at my old stomping grounds up in Media Operations where I was an on the rise editor.  I was getting my sea legs back again while I was working on some assignments and getting re-acclimated to the goings-on of CNN again.

For some reason, it felt right to me to be back up on the fifth floor inside the CNN Center.  I don't remember all of what I did, but I was talking to some of my former co-workers whom I was acquainted with before my November 2011 departure.

In reality, I have had these dreams many times before.  I've even wanted to come back to CNN in order to show people that I can make a comeback.  Well guess what, I'm NEVER going back there again.  They laid me off and rejected me countless times.  I'm not coming back again.


I had a dream where I was on a freeway in Jacksonville, Florida, and I saw junction signs for I-8, I-35, and a third, unidentified interstate.

I was having fun being in an automobile out of state of a clear blue sunny day.  I had fun seeing new freeway sings in a new place for the first time.

In reality:  I've been to Jacksonville several times.  I got married there.  I've been there to go on a few cruises there.  I've been to the beaches there.  I know for a fact that the only interstates in Jacksonville are I-10, I-95, and I-295.


I had a dream where I was in Savannah, Georgia, and I was at a convenience store having trouble filling two soda fountain drinks while my wife was waiting in the car.

I was going to get a small soda for my wife and a large one for me.  I had no trouble filling up a small sprite in a small clear plastic cup.  I had ever fewer problems putting the plastic lid on that one.

I on the other hand had all kinds of problems filling up my large cup of Pepsi and even worse time putting a big lid on there.  I can't remember how many times I tried to put a lid on it.  I think I stopped at 10.  I felt bad for my wife (and for myself) that a simple two minute task took 20 minutes to try to complete.  I gave up in my dream.


Finally, I had a scary dream where I was about to get beat up by an old high school classmate, Jeff Attwell.  I could remember it clear as day.  I think I was in my bedroom, and he was coming closer and closer to me as he was getting ready to cock his fist towards me.  I stood there motionless as he was about to beat me.

In reality:  I finally woke up at 4:20AM.  I never want to remember that son of a bitch again.  I wish I never attended Hendrix Junior High School in Chandler, Arizona or Dobson High School in Mesa, Arizona.

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