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Monday, February 15, 2016

Journal Entry for February 15, 2016

I had some strange dreams before I woke up this morning.  I woke up twice, both without an alarm clock attached to my cell phone.

Baby Blake was my little alarm clock today.  He stirred and rolled around the crib for good around 6:30AM, and that's when I officially woke up.

Blake needed a baby diaper and a bottle by 7AM.  I felt good knowing that I could feed my baby thanks to all the prep work my wife put in to get me going.

Ben didn't get up until almost 8AM.  Once he was up, he got his customary sippy cup of milk and he was happy.  Blake was on the exersaucer when I got Ben up.  Blake liked it for a while before he started crying.

Today's theme would probably be 'Blake is Crying' pretty much all throughout the day I was home with the boys.

I hate to see and hear Blake suffering when I'm with him.  I want to see my happy little baby as much as I can.

Sometimes, we have to help our little babies when they are in distress.

Some days I don't accomplish anything when I'm home alone with my boys.  Other days, all I need to do is take good care of my boys and I've done enough.

I caught up on my laundry and watching a CNN special report on "The Secret Life of 'G.I. Joe'" while Blake was napping.

Today was weird in the sense that I got out of the house and to daycare late but got here to work on time.

This is who I leave behind each and every day when I go to work.

When I got here, I learned of a life altering move for my family.  I'll explain at another time.  Today I had to focus on being on my best work behavior today.  My future depends on it.

Life is good and I'll be back for more again tomorrow.

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