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Monday, February 1, 2016

Journal Entry for February 1, 2016

This weekend was rather exciting and interesting.

The fun parts were where my family and I went out to eat over at Mellow Mushroom Pizza in Acworth on Saturday and went to church on Sunday.

The interesting part was where Ben had a massive meltdown in me getting him into his car seat as we were leaving Mellow Mushroom and the church.  Whoo-Whee, Benjamin Lee was quite mad at me.

Ben and the whole family got to go outside and play at the playground near the house.  Ben had no fear whatsoever in sliding down some of the biggest slides the park had.

I had tears of joy in my eyes seeing my boy go on the slide.  He and I both said wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  He said wheeeee more than I did.  I slid down the pretty big slide one time, and I was scared that I wasn't gonna make it out on the other end.

Ben had a lot of fun running around and taking me around the grounds of the playground near Lake Acworth.  I love to get around with Ben.  It reminded me of the good old days before Blake was born.

I think Blake got some quality outside time even though he was cooped up inside his car seat.

This morning, I woke up to a happy, squeaky, and squirmy Blake next to me.  I also woke up to the news that my Phoenix Suns fired Head Coach Jeff Hornacek.



From Yahoo! Sports:

I feel sorry for Hornacek.  He didn't have a lot to work with down the stretch with the Suns near the end of his tenure.  At the same time, I think he got paroled from the old Purple Palace in the end.

I worried about Ben again as he verbally threw down and bit me a couple of times as he was not allowed to go outside out the garage.  Kelly and Blake went to Blake's doctor's appointment while Ben didn't have to go.  Ben wanted to go, and we had to hold him down in order for him not to escape.

I came up with the perfect solution.  Ben and I had some outside time in the backyard.  I kicked the soccer ball, then Ben and I played bubbles.  I blew all the bubbles while Ben dipped the sticks into the bubble container.  He said bubbles a lot.  I blew some high quality bubbles that Ben would be proud of.  Ben will one day learn how to blow bubbles.

I spent time eating lunch with Ben and my entire family at home.  We got to share chicken tenders, chips, fruit.  We ran out of room for some cookies before we had to get ourselves ready.

I had to get ready for work while Ben and Blake had to get ready for naptime.  My wife did her best to get some work done for her job.  She got to work from home today.

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