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Monday, February 22, 2016

Journal Entry for the weekend of February 20, 2016

I had an awesome weekend with my friends and family.

Saturday Morning started out well.  I spent time with Ben and Blake while my beautiful wife went to Publix for groceries.  Ben and I played legos with Blake.  Blake sat up and played with some other toys.  I felt good about letting him have some tummy time for a while.  He got a little mad and I suspended tummy time for him.  I picked him up and held him.  I think he missed his mom.

Ben missed his mom right after she left.  He got a little mad for a short time after she left without him.  I told him that everything was going to be O.K.  It was.  She came back with a bunch of goodies.  I appreciate everything she does for our family.

After Kelly got home, I got to take Ben out for a ride on his airplane.  He got to run around with his little airplane and later on, he got to sit on his airplane and actually ride it.  There were times that I had to steer the plane in order to make sure he was having fun safely.

I headed off to lunch before the lacrosse game at California Dreaming.  I loaded up on rolls, chips and queso, wings, and just one shrimp.  I tried to drink a lot of water before the match.  I met a few people along the way and I met someone that I can mentor about the TV industry.

My goal in life is to help people break in the media industry and help my wife find a new job that she'll love.

After lunch, Jason, the Denver alumni group, and I went down to 5/3 Bank Stadium to watch Denver play Duke in a battle of 2 vs. 3 in Lacrosse.  I achieved some firsts at this event:  I attended my first ever lacrosse game and I went to my first event here at Fifth-Third Bank Stadium near the campus of Kennesaw State University.

Sunday was a funday too.  We all went to Sunday school and church for the first time in two weeks.  Prayers are coming our way for our family today and for the future.

Blake was a happy baby, when we were holding him.  If we weren't, he'd let us know loud and clear.

Ben loved to play with the lights all afternoon.  I'd let him stand on the stool part of the time.  Other times, I had to take the stool away.

I'd reinstate the stool so that he could brush his teeth.  I'd make sure he was serious about brushing his teeth or else I'd take the stool away from him.  I'm doing better at teaching him how to brush his teeth.

After both boys went to bed, Kelly and I sat back and had some wine to close out the night.  We watched some good TV and we got some good sleep afterward.

Onward to Monday Funday.

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