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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Journal Entry for February 2, 2016

It's been a tough day all around for me.  I see my beautiful wife struggling to get Blake to go to sleep.  I did worse by not being able to rock Blake to bed.  He was supposed to go to sleep into my arms then into the pack and play.  I failed him on that end.

I got up to get Ben some breakfast and get him dressed for his big day at preschool.  I held Blake and kept him happy while my wife worked from home.  I did good there for the good of my family.

I even got to see Blake be happy.  He was chasing my iPhone, some toys, and my finger to bite on.

We conked out afterward.

I got off to a late start in getting Ben out of preschool for the day and for us to get back home so that I could go to work work on time.  I got to work late again this afternoon.

I still cannot shake my cough and cold that I've had for the past week.  I sound like death walking around with my cough.

I suffered yet another letdown this afternoon.  I got passed over for a possible job opportunity with CNN.  I got the standard HR form letter saying they were pursuing other candidates for the position of associate digital producer for

Once again, I did not show that I was worth more than I am here at CBS46.  It looks as if I need to be here until my vacation through early June.  I'm also doing it for the good of my family in the meantime.

I have to go now.  I must press forward in getting the 11PM show edited for tonight.

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