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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Journal Entry for February 10, 2016

Happy Wednesday.  I finally woke up at 7:40 this morning.  Blake was still asleep and that gave me a chance to get Ben some milk and some quality time with Ben.

I gave Ben his stool so that he could play some turn on and off the lights.  I let him do that for a while before I had to take the stool away.  I didn't want him to play with the light switch the entire time.

I still have to give it to Ben.  He's happy as can be when he gets to play with the switch.  Anytime I get a chance to see him smile is a great day for me.


I got a chance to watch some "Special Agent Oso", "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", and some "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" with the guys.  I think I got more out of it then the kids did.


I got to feed the boys at the same time twice today, a new record for me.  I gave Blake his bottle while I got Ben some Golden Grahams and fruit.  For Lunch, I fed Ben some microwaved Chicken Nuggets and crackers (and teddy grahams for dessert) while I fed Blake some Banana baby food.

After lunch, I fed Blake a bottle while I gave Ben his milk during dessert.  Ben was good for letting me change his diapers and putting him down for his nap.

Blake took a great nap after his mid-morning feeding.

I would not go on to sleep as I had to get us all ready for the day.  The biggest thing I had to worry about was getting the boys warm enough for the wind chill that was to come this afternoon.  I think I did good there.


I mailed my mom her Valentine's Day card at the post office today.  I hope she gets it by Saturday in time for Valentine's Day.

I went to McDonald's for a 20 piece Chicken McNuggets and a Coke Zero before heading into work.  They gave me the protein I needed to get through a hard day.


On a down note, my Phoenix Suns are disintegrating right before my eyes.  I told you many times ago that they need to get rid of Markieff Morris.  Here's further proof.


It's hard editing the 11PM show and being at the top of my game.  I feel like I aged 10 years tonight.
I'm going home to recover.  I'll be back for more tomorrow.

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