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Monday, February 15, 2016

Journal Entry for the weekend of February 13, 2016

I had an interesting weekend.  Saturday was much calmer than Sunday was, for me.

Saturday, I gave my beautiful wife a 'mommy day'.  I gave her some time off away from the house so that she can get her hair done.  Man!  She looks beautiful!!!

I had some time to spend with my two boys as we played, I chased Ben around as he was playing with the light switches, and was holding Blake and giving him some daddy time.

I had a good idea to go to COSTCO on a Saturday afternoon.  The one good thing about my travels to the Kennesaw location is that I get to listen to the "CIGAR DAVE" show on 640-AM WGST in Atlanta.  He and his show give me good ideas that I can't use that have to do with pleasures and entertainment.

I think I walked about a mile inside the store before checking out with my 6 items in my cart.  It's not uncommon to see people take 50 or more big items from the store and out to their cars before leaving the cramped parking lot.  I see mass quantities of drinks, cookies, chips, milk, eggs, meats, and frozen foods being loaded into the car.

One of my favorite things about being inside the costco is sampling a lot of the goodies some of the people are selling.  Some of my favorites were the eggo waffles, cuban coffee, chocolate truffles, avocado spread on bread, and some lemon muffins.

I got Ben some more chicken nuggets for his meals.  He'll love them.

When I got home, Ben was in full blown screaming mode, and we didn't know what to do.  After a while, we gave him some tylenol and he got better instantly.

Ben got a nice surprise by going to Walmart and Publix with his mama.  He seemed to be in much better spirits.  We had a nice rotisserie chicken dinner and we had a ball at dinner time.

After dinner, I got to give Ben bathtime; something I don't get to do too often due to my late work schedule.

Saturday Night was special because we got to watch movies, TV, eat chocolate, and drink wine.  I got to see "Fear" for the first time and I thought it was silly and creepy.  The song "Wild Horses" really talked to me.  As I got ready for bed, I could not wait to see what was in store for me on Valentine's Day.


Valentine's Day was a little different than what we had intended.  We didn't feel at our best, so we skipped Sunday School and Church.  Big mistake.  We'll be paying for that for a while.

Ben and Blake were exceptionally cranky on this day.

We lifted Ben's spirits by taking a trip to Lowe's to get some sand, and it was 'dirt' cheap.  Two bags for $8.

We put sand in the new sandbox for Ben to play in.  See, he had a good time and everything.

After we played outside, we had some fun inside.  Of course Ben got sand on some things and he got his doggy dirty (just a little bit).

I had to corral Ben so much as his mama was cooking our Valentine's Day feast.  I had to get Ben away from the kitchen over and over again.  It was wearing me out.  I felt bad for his mama too.

After dinner and after we got Ben and Blake to bed, I conked out first on the couch and later to bed.  I haven't been that tired or defeated in a long, long time.  I felt bad for all of us.

Next year, Valentine's Day will be even more special.

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