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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dreaming of Las Vegas (Again)

I had a dream over the weekend where I was meeting with an old friend and former CNN colleague at a Las Vegas restaurant.  I hadn't seen my friend in nearly a decade and it was so awesome to catch up with him.

In the dream, I remember eating some Prime Rib, Roast Beef, and drinking a lot of Pepsi.  I had a lot to consume that day, but it was worth it.

Later on in the dream, I won a free appetizer at a local Las Vegas Casino.  In order to claim my prize, I had to traverse a maze throughout the casino and make a lot of windy turns in order to get to the restaurant.

My wife as getting a little impatient that I would get involved in such a scheme just for a little free food.  I felt bad about all the trouble it was taking to get a free something or another, but I thought it would be worth it in the end.

In the midpoint of the journey, I got into a room full of stuffed animals.  That would hardly be the thing I would see at a casino.  I would never expect to see teddy bears and stuffed dogs in a building that size.

In reality:  I woke up.

I woke up in my bed at home getting ready for my weekend trip to Middle Georgia.

I have not been to Vegas in nearly a decade.  I don't have any plans to go back there anytime soon.  I'll have a better shot eating an all you can eat affair than going out West.

Not to worry though, I'll be heading out west to Oklahoma to see my family.  I will have a chance to visit a casino near Tulsa, and I will want to hit up an all you can eat buffet.  This time, I will treat my family to the feast.

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