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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Journal Entry for April 5, 2016

Today started off pretty well.  I got to sleep in until 8AM this morning.  I heard the sounds of baby Blake as he was getting his day going.  My wife did great for him by making his baba (Bottle) of formula.  I got to play with him, watch "Good Morning America" with him, and make funny faces at him.

We all got ready for a fun-filled day in Woodstock.  I had to take care of the oil change on the ROGUE after a fun weekend on Tybee Island.  After I dropped the car off, we headed up to Woodstock to the outlet mall for some clothes shopping for the boys.

Kelly and I took Blake to the Gymboree, OshKosh BGosh, and the Carter's stores and found some incredible bargains for them.  I saw some things I thought the guys would like.  Kelly found some goodies for the boys too.  They'll out cute me with their wardrobe in no time.

One down note of our trip was when the Nissan service center called and told us that we needed some additional (not too urgent repairs on our vehicle).  I was annoyed about how much money it would cost to take care of such things.  Truthfully, I wasn't prepared for that at all.  I have to get prepared fast or I'll drive off a financial cliff in a hurry.

I had a pretty good day at work this afternoon.  I edited a lot of video, helped put together a Reality Check segment, and answered a lot of phone calls from microwave.

I had a piece of humble pie for dinner.  Actually, it was two peanut butter sandwiches and some fruit.  Those sandwiches filled me up.  If that's the case over and over, I'll keep bringing them to work each day.

I'm wrapping up the FX series "The People vs. O.J."  I sort of relived my life from back in 1995.  I realized how happy and how messed up I was back then.  I will always wonder if Ben and Blake wonder what life was like back in 1995.

I wrote a couple of news story samples in my blog.  I'm most proud of the sports stories I'm putting in my blog for tonight.

I wish I could let go of some things that are holding me back in my life.  I'll explain more about that in detail later on.  I promise I will.

It's time for me to go now.  I'm ready to go home and get some good sleep.  I'll be back tomorrow.

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