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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Journal Entry for April 12, 2016

I woke up fairly early this morning.  Sort of. I got up just after 8AM to get Ben's bottle of milk ready to go.  Ben drank most of his milk and he was happy to see me for whatever reason.  Thank God.

Blake woke up much later (a half-hour) as he was still sleeping.  We had to make sure he was breathing and stuff.  Thankfully he was.  I have proof on some of my clothes earlier this morning.

I took care of Blake for most of the morning while Kelly took Ben to preschool today.  Blake and I caught up on some cartoons, I caught up on a book here and there, and I got to read some stuff on my Facebook feed.

Blake took advantage of his breathing treatment for a while.  I caught up on some e-mail while he was taking in his meds.  I even snuck in some coffee while he was getting better.  I did some good things for him like feeding him and letting him nap on me.  I forgot to change his diaper though.  My bad.

Kelly made me a nice little lunch today.  She made some pork tacos while I was getting ready for work today.  I cut up some cheese and scooped up some avocado for my feast.  I was hungry more for the pork than anything.

After I picked up Ben from school, I let him turn on the light and I had to put him in the car seat before we went home.  Ben got to see Doggy greet him in the ROGUE.  I love Doggy.

Ben got his milk before I left for work.  I had no idea what would be in store for me once I got in.  I got a free Chick-Fil-A sandwich and some fruit and caramel as my editing shift started.

I got to do some good things here at CBS46 today.  I caught up on a couple of sections from the AJC.  I did that at home before I came in too.  I'll have a piece of paper to add to my new notebook again.

I'm finishing up a video for "Public Affairs on Peach" and I'm going to try to finish Fred Kalil's Top 5 Kobe Bryant rejected retirement gifts piece.

I saw the Braves lose again tonight.  I saw the Braves go 0-7 for the first time in my life.  How disappointing.  I think my Padres lost tonight too.  Drats.

Once I get home, I'll catch up on some DVR programming, sports, and documentaries.  I can't wait to get home after the show is over.

One more thing:  I can't wait for the NHL and NBA Playoffs to start.  Those unfortunately won't include my Arizona Coyotes and Phoenix Suns.  They'll include a series of my B teams:  The Florida Panthers, Tampa Bay Lightning, Nashvile Predators, NY Islanders, Anaheim Ducks, Oklahoma City Thunder, and Atlanta Hawks.

Let the fun begin.

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