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Monday, April 11, 2016

Journal Entry for April 11, 2016

Today was a good start to the day.  I got to sleep in for a little while longer than I'm used to.  My wife got to work from home today, so that was a bonus.  Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Ben and Blake woke up at the same time.  I did nothing, not one thing, to get their day started.  I feel bad about that.  I hope to do better when I'm working solo for the boys on Wednesday.

Ben did a lot of turning on and off the lights earlier today.  I thought it was cute at first as I always do.  After a while, it got annoying.  I had to spank him for disobeying me and not listening to me.  I hate to do it to Ben.  He needs to learn to listen to me.  That's all I want from him at this time.  Things got busy and tiring, I needed to get my wife and I a couple of fizzies.  We needed them at the right time of the day around 11AM.

My day didn't get much better once I left for work.  I got denied my June 24th day off request because someone else claimed it and I was disappointed to learn I couldn't get July 27th off because someone else claimed it during sweeps.  I'm having trouble getting along with one of the managers here because it might have been something I said in the past or that he simply doesn't like me.  I hate being just a lowly editor.  It does nothing for my long term prospects for my career.

If there is a bright side to all this, I'll get to write some more stories for the 11PM news for CBS46 on Wednesday Night.   I have to push harder in order to provide the support for my family I so desperately need to do.

I'll be back for more on Tuesday.


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