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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Journal entry for April 19, 2016

This morning I got up a little earlier than usual.  I did good with getting a little more than five hours of sleep.

What woke me up was a whom.  It was my baby son Blake.  He was crying here and there, and taht was enough for me to get up and start my day.

I changed his poopy diaper.  Whoo Whee!!!!  Blake P!  Blake got a shiny new clean diaper and soon he would get a brand new bottle from me.

Ben got some milk for his breakfast.  My wife got him up and running, and she got him a clean diaper.  I got Ben his lunch ready for school the night before after I got home.

My wife had to go into work early today, so I had to step up to the plate and take the boys with me to Ben's preschool.  I dropped off Ben at AUMC Preschool while I kept Blake with me the whole morning and early afternoon.  I had to make a pit stop at the local Wendy's for some breakfast.  I had a BOGO coupon for a Bacon and Egg panini, and I took advantage of it.

I got to play with Blake some, give him his breathing treatment, feed him more baby food and another bottle, let him crawl around me, watch cartoons with him, and sleep on me.

I should have put him in our room at the time I put him down for a nap.  In the event that Ben went to sleep, I didn't want him to wake up Blake.  Like I said, I should have thought of that.

I have to work on my emotions and temper a little more.  After I had a couple of mishaps for the 5PM show, I snapped.  I blurted out something over the PL that I shouldn't have.  I regret that now.  I need help.

The moments of redemption came for me tonight when I edited Fred Kalil's sports highlights and post-game sound from Game 2 of the Eastern Conference First Round series against the Boston Celtics.  I also worked with what I had for the Dodgers/Braves Highlights that came down from CNN NewSource.

The bigger moment of redemption:  I got to upload and send an audio reel to a friend of mine to see what he thinks.  I have to make a better audition reel in the coming days so that I can do better than I'm doing now.

Time for me to leave the building now.  I'll be back tomorrow.

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