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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dreaming of working for CNN once again

Sometime before I woke up, I had this dream where I was back at CNN again.  I was on the 5th floor of the CNN Center and I was back working in Media Operations.

In my dream, I went back to 'work' for the first time in nearly five years there.  I had both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the rundown that I was going to work from.  I was in the area where tape circulation was as I remembered it.  In reality, I have not been on the fifth floor of the CNN Center in nearly five years.

In the dream, when I set foot inside the working halls of the CNN building, I was overcome with joy.  I felt a sense of pride that I have not felt in quite some time.  I felt like I won something like the grand prize.  I won something big that I wouldn't know how to feel anymore.  In reality, I haven't won anything big since my two sons were born.  Those have been my grand prizes if you will.

I also had a dream where New York Mayor Bill De Blasio was sleeping under my bed.  I have no idea what he was doing there.  Was he hiding from something?  Was he going to hold an impromptu news conferece?   I don't know.  It just seemed weird.  He's a New Yorker and I'm a Georgian.

I can't remember what else I was dreaming about specifically.  My final dream of my sleep cycle had me traveling out west with my dad.  I don't remember exactly where we were going.  I think it was back to Arizona (or California) and I had regret about the move ever since.

In reality:  My son Blake woke me up.  I have no intention of working at CNN again.  I've given it the college try many times and I can't do it to myself anymore.  I have to do better here at my current job with CBS46 and I have to get my poise and maturity back.  I feel that I have failed on both counts there today.

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