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Friday, April 29, 2016

Journal Entry for April 27, 2016

I don't know how I did it this morning.  I managed to get about six hours of sleep and feel completely awake so early in the morning.  It helped that Blake woke up right around 7AM and he was active and vocal inside his little crib.  I thought I heard him in his room earlier, but I dozed off and went right back to sleep.

I got up for good sometime after 7:15AM and got Blake up first.  He always wakes up before Ben does.  Blake always needs a new diaper when he wakes up, so I was the one to take care of that for him.  Blake likes to crawl around in the living room right after a diaper change.  Just as I get Blake's bottle ready for him to drink from, he is crawling all over the place.  He gets so close to the kitchen, I have to redirect him back to the living room so that he doesn't spill cat food and water everywhere.  Once I shook up his bottle, I get it to him so that he can drink.  Feeding Blake is no doubt one of my favorite jobs.

One of the toughest jobs I have is saying NO to Ben or NO BEN.  He makes me do that to him when he messes with the light switches when I tell him not to.  He's just as bad when he hits Blake when they play together.

I caught up on some cartoons and movies on the DVR while I was babysitting my boys early in the day.

After lunch, I took them both to their respective cribs while I showered and dressed for work.  Ben is getting better at not messing around and letting me work.  Blake is getting better in sitting in his pack and play when I'm putting the finishing touches on my professional appearance.

I don't remember much about work today other than the fact I edited a Top 5 and wrote four stories for the 11PM newscast.  I wish I could be out in the newsroom more.

I snuck in some Michael Savage on Youtube to get me through the rest of the shift.  I needed some of his anger as I was stuck in the middle of a traffic nightmare on I-75 Northbound near Barrett Parkway and Chastain Road.  I had to dump off at Chastain Road to get away from that mess.

Once I got home, I finished off "Entourage" the movie on my DVR.  I'm at about 15% free space there and my goal is a bit ambitious, and that is to get to 50% free space by the end of May.  I'll be back again in the morning.

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