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Monday, April 11, 2016

Journal Entry for the weekend of April 9, 2016

This weekend started out well.  I got to sleep in and we all did not have to rush out the door to see our family.  All means me, Kelly, and Blake.  Ben got to stay with his grandma in Middle Georgia all week long.  Truth be told, we all missed Ben.

Before we hit the road, I had to make a pit stop at the local Walgreens for some meds, birthday presents for our little friend Ava, and some fizzies for Kelly and I.  After that, we made a stop at Mickey D's for some biscuits and hash browns for the drive down I-75.

Blake did really really well on the way to Sandersville.  He might have cried just a little bit on the way down, but he held up extremely well.  I helped Blake by getting his little shark toy back to him after it got away from him.  I forgot to bring Ned bear with me for him, but he didn't mind.  Along the way, we listened to the BIG40 countdown on SiriusXM8 for the countdown for this week in 1980.  We heard some gems there.

We got to Kelly's mama's house by 1:30PM.  Ben didn't wake up until just after 3PM.  I think he was excited to see us.  He cried when we all showed up.  He didn't know how to react.  At least I think he was happy to see us.  Him crying was his way to say he was happy to see us.  I missed Ben and I gave him one of the biggest hugs I ever gave him.  I love my son.

We all got together as a family to do spaghetti, salad, bread, and play on Saturday Night.  It was a busy time and I had to do quite a bit just for my boys.  I gave Ben a stern talking to about him wanting to 'turn on the lights and fan.'  Blake got a breathing treatment in the midst of the kid chaos in and around the kitchen.

After everyone left for the night, I watched "America's Funniest Videos" and some "The Bold and the Beautiful."  After those shows were over, I wanted to read my newspaper and a couple of books, but I fell asleep on the reclining chair and the guest bedroom.

Sunday was pretty busy.  We got ready to go to Ava's birthday party.  I can't believe she's two years old already.  I kept track of Ben and Blake throughout the party.  Blake got some ice cream, icing, and some ranch dressing.  Blake made faces about the ranch dressing.  He smiled about the sweet goodies.

After the birthday party and visiting Kelly's dad, we went back home.  We took the nighttime drive onto I-20, I-285, and I-75.  We survived a mini-scare on the 285 to 75 transition ramp when a Ford SUV cut us off and slammed on the brakes.  Blake cried a bit on the way back.  Other than that, life was good.  We got the whole family back home.

I'll be back for more in Monday's edition of the journal.

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