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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Journal Entry for April 16 and 17, 2016

I got up a little late on Saturday and a bit early on Sunday.  Saturday was a do anything kind of a Satruday.  Sunday was a get ready for church Sunday and hope to get ready for Sunday School.

I got to watch both of the boys Saturday while my wife picked up some supplies and goodies from Walmart.  We at the house watched some cartoons and I caught up on some documentaries that I saved on my DVR.

I got to watch Ben and Blake play together with their cars and toys.  For the most part, they played pretty well together.  The times where They rough-housed, mainly where Ben was grabbing hard at Blake, I got worried.  I got concerned that he was going to hurt Blake.  I felt that I had to play referee between the two (mostly Ben).

After both of the boys got their naps going, I went to Goodwill to donate two boxes worth of old stuff.  I went to the Acworth location only ti find it closed off for me because it was full of donations.  I have never heard of anything like it before.  I later went to the Kennesaw Goodwill donation center, and I almost got hit by a car.  I did a left turn only to find that I really couldn't see very well and a car almost came at me.

Ben, Blake, and I had some quality fun time at the park in Acworth.  I got to chase Ben around the park.  He didn't take to sliding down like I thought he would.  I hope I didn't traumatize him in any way there.

After we all got our naps in for the afternoon, we took the whole family out for dinner at Stoner Burger.  I got a mac and cheese burger with some yummy sides.  See!

It looks messy, but it tastes good.  Poor Ben though.  He had a good time snacking on some goodies we brought and the chicken we ordered, but he barfed (liquidy) twice, so we went home.  Ben had a fun bathtime and we got him ready for bed.

Sunday we skipped Sunday School and went straight to church.  We had a good time hearing the sermon about Faith overcoming fear.  I'll have to apply it in my life sometime.

I hope we all can learn from church and I'll become a more patient parent, especially when Ben wants to turn the lights on and off wherever we go.

Have fun and I'll be back soon.

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