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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Journal Entry for April 20, 2016

I got a good six hours of sleep last night.  I heard the sounds of Blake starting to creep into my ear early after 7AM this morning.  I finally woke up for good around 7:15AM.  When I saw Blake awake, Ben was awake too.  I was amazed that both boys got up as early as they did.  I had to act fast to get them going and get them up and running.

I was able to make Blake his bottle and feed him.  I caught up on watching "Good Morning America" and some baby shows on Baby First TV.  Ben was up and running after my wife made his cup of milk for him.

Ben, Blake, and I spent the rest of the morning and the early part of the afternoon together. I didn't cook or microwave any breakfast for him today.  Instead, I cut up some "Cake" for Ben and fed that to him along with some cereal and bananas.  Blake got a go go squeeze along with some oatmeal for his meal later on.

Ben bit me numerous times today and I had to give him a spanking.  I didn't really want to, but I had to do the fatherly thing of discipline for his own good.  Again I don't like to spank my boys at all.

I just picked up a good cup of coffee just now here at work.  I'm feeling much better about tackling the rest of the afternoon's editing assignments and package feeds for the shows.

I got to work just after 2:30 and got into editing.  I taught a small session about deleting media and I backed up some video for a future story.

Finally, I got to write and edit two stories for the 11PM show tonight.  I felt better about what I wrote.  I also edited and put in a few more videos so that I would feel like a contributor within my group.

I have to come back in for more tomorrow.  Have fun tonight and I'll see you again soon.

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