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Friday, April 1, 2016

Journal Entry for April 1, 2016

Today started out as a good day.  I got to sleep in a little bit this morning until just after 8AM.  A combination of Ben and Blake woke me up and stirred my curiosity for the morning.

My wife had to go take care of something at a doctor's appointment this morning, so I got to spend some time with my two boys by myself for a while.  It felt like old times because I used to doe that three days a week when my wife worked in NE Atlanta.

Soon, I'll get to do that with them again.  My wife is due to go back to work again on Monday.  Actually, I'll be on my parenting 'training wheels' because Ben gets to go see grandma this coming week.  Ben's preschool is on Spring Break on Monday.  It will be a change of pace for me as I get adjusted to my wife's new work schedule again.

Ben and Blake were good, for the most part.  Ben had some trouble listening to me when I told him not to keep playing with the lights.  Ben was industrious with his play of the legos we got him for Easter.  Blake was crawling more and more, and he was moving some of the puzzle pieces around the shelves where they stay.

I fed Ben two good meals today:  Breakfast and Lunch.  I got him some fruity cheerios and a nutri-grain apple bar.  I got Blake a breathing treatment while Ben was eating.  I was able to catch up on some of my Braves and Padres reading while I was on duty.

Ben and I engaged in some quality horse play in the living room.  I picked him up on my back and spun him around a few times.  I did 'SuperBlake' with me holding Blake up in the air.  I have to hand it to Ben.  He loves his horse play.  I'm getting better at picking up Ben and engaging in more play with him.  I even let him stand on my chest, stomach, and my throat (just a wee bit there).  He was smiling and giggling, I couldn't be mad at him for hurting me.

The hardest part of my job as a parent is to discipline Ben when he misbehaves.  I had to spank him a few times for throwing objects and toys at me.  He also didn't listen to me when I told him not to play with the lights.  I don't like it.  I don't like it at all.  I don't like spanking.  I only home that the spankings can teach my son a valuable lesson.

The even harder part of my day was to leave my family behind in order to come to work.  Before I left, I had a yummy veggie taco that my wife cooked.  I wanted to give Blake a taco, but he doesn't have enough teeth just yet.  Earlier, I fed Ben fish sticks and chicken nuggets with a fruit cup.  I forget to give him some dessert.  I didn't mean to.

Finally, thanks to the help of my beautiful wife. we paid off our ROGUE.  WE OWN IT FREE AND CLEAR!!!!!  FINANCIAL VICTORY!!!!!

I got along with one of our CBS46 reporters better today.  I only home to make sure that I improve my rapport with them going forward.  That'll help me stay in good graces with every one and one day help me get promoted.

I'll be back for more next week.

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