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Friday, April 29, 2016

Journal Entry for April 26, 2016

After merely getting six hours of sleep last night, I felt wide awake this morning.  I heard the usual noise of the morning from the kitcken.  I heard the sounds of the microwave, Blake in his booster seat, and Ben in his high chair for breakfast.  I felt good that I got a chance to sleep in a little bit.  I felt better that I was not forced to wake up so soon.

I had to make a mad dash to the kitchen and Ben's room so that I could get him ready for school.  I dressed him up as best I could and combed his hair so that he would look spiffy.

I drove Ben to preschool and got him to listen to some Glenn Beck and SiriusXM First Wave with me on the ride to AUMC.  We didn't speak to each other for some reason.  I didn't have much to say to him in the car.  I wish he would say something to me while we're driving around.   Maybe one day I'll keep the radio off while we drive together.

Kelly, Blake, and I had some fun once I got back from the preschool.  I had a good time watching Blake try to get around by trying to walk at first and then crawl like he always does.  Blake is happy most of the time and I try to make sure that he has the right environment to where he's happy.  Kelly and Ben got some quality bonding time outside around our neighborhood, and I vacuumed the inside of our house.  While I swept up the living room, dining room, and the hallway, I got to listen to substitute radio host Bruce Jacobs do a talk show on a Tucson, AZ station using my iHeartRadio app.

Kelly got back inside before I finished vacuuming, so I had them play in the baby's room while I vacuumed our main bedroom.  I think Blake was oblivious to the noise I made with the vacuum next door.  The room got clean and I got cleaned up to get my day going.  Before I picked Ben up from preschool, I got us some sodas and a lottery ticket.  I drank some Pepsi Max and saved my wife's Coke Zero in the Rogue while I was getting Ben ready to go.  I had a quick bite to eat once I got inside the house.  I packed up the Rogue and headed off to work for the day.

When I got to work, I edited, took in feeds, and made sure everything looked right before I pushed it over for air.  I didn't do anything super spectacular  here at work this afternoon.  I did enough to make sure I didn't embarrass the station.

After the 6PM newscast, I made sure that I scratched my $2 lottery ticket that I purchased from the RaceTrac.  I won $10!!!!!  I wanted to win more, but a win is a win is a win.  I have some ideas for it later on.

I watched some NBA playoff basketball between the Boston Celtics and the Atlanta Hawks.  For the first 18 minutes of the game, it looked ugly.  Then, suddenly, the Hawks couldn't miss.  Before you knew it, a 10 point deficit turned into a 20 point lead, and the Hawks blitzed the Celtics in Philips Arena.  It was one of the best games I watched on TV in a long time.  I hope Thursday's game six is just as exciting.  Time for me to go now.  I'll be back tomorrow.

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