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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Journal Entry for April 21, 2016

I got to sleep in a little bit this morning.  Actually, Ben greeted me in our room while I was still in bed.  I was in the middle of my rest while Ben came in and climbed into my bed.  Ben wanted to watch cartoons with his daddy.  I was happy.

Yesterday, I couldn't help but be proud (not mad) that Ben climbed out of his crib and came into our bathroom next to where Blake was hanging out in his pack and play.  Ben makes me smile, and I want everyone to know that.

Kelly got our boys ready for the day.  Last night, I got Ben's lunch for preschool ready to go.  I packed it up into his green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lunchbox.  I got him some ritz crackers, strawberries, cheese, applesauce go go squeeze, and some fruit snacks.

I had the honor of taking Ben to preschool in the ROGUE.  Ben and I listened to Glenn Beck, Paul Simon, and some more 80's music on SiriusXM 80's on 8.  I turned out to be one of the last parents to drop off a child at AUMC Preschool today.  After Ben went to school, I went to the local RaceTrac to get a coffee for me and a Coke Zero for my wife.  It was caffeine well earned.

I got to work just after 2:30PM and hit the ground running.  The Death of Prince took up most of my time, most of my effort, and most of the afternoon newscast today.  I couldn't believe that he died so soon.  There were tributes and lots of purple flashing in honor of the late Prince Rogers Nelson.

I messed up a few times in getting video right and getting video on time today.  I felt down on myself for a while, but I picked myself back up in time for the 11PM news tonight.

The best piece of encouragement I got today was I have a chance to get some freelance work back at The Weather Channel sometime later this year.  I want to sprinkle my availability so that I can get some quality time with my family on the weekends.  If I get back into the Weather Channel, I can return and 'go back home' again.

I have to go home now, but I'll be back again tomorrow.

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