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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Journal entry for April 25, 2016

I got eight hours of sleep last night, and they felt great.  I woke up in the middle of the night only once, and it was for no apparent reason.   The one thing that got me up for good was that I had a duty to get my boys out of bed.

Ben was still asleep, but Blake was wide awake.  As soon as I got him up, whew-whee.  Blake P had a messy diaper on him.  It was so bad, it soaked his PJs.  I found his Falcons jammies that were clean and ready to be put on him.  I pretty much stripped Blake down in order to get him cleaned up.

Ben and Blake enjoyed cartoons while I got them both ready for breakfast.  I made sausage and cereal for Ben while Blake got a cup of infant yogurt.  Ben ate most of his meal and he was ready to jump out of his high chair.  I spoon fed Blake his yogurt for a long time.  I fed him long after Ben was done and playing out in the living room.

I caught up on some old movies and old TV shows for a while.  In addition to that, I showed Ben about four full episodes of "Peppa Pig."  That show is starting to grow on me.  I like the fact that Ben is saying 'peppa pig.'

I felt bad that I waited a long time to give Ben a snack and Blake a bottle after breakfast.  I gave ben some goldfish and cheesy poofs while I got Blake some oatmeal and blueberry squeezy pouch in a bowl.  I also cooked up some chicken nuggets in the mini-oven for Ben's main meal.  Ben enjoyed his 'bak-bak' and I snuck him a piece of one of the new Garlic Parmesan chicken anytizers.  I think he likes them; I know I do.

I got a good shower in after I put Ben back in his crib the second time around.  Blake was pretty cooperative in his Pack and Play.  He liked to walk around in it while I was getting cleaned and getting my teeth brushed.  I got a little worried that I hadn't seen or heard Ben in a while.  He turned out to do good for me as he stayed in his crib.

I arrived to work early enough and did a good job editing and putting in packages from the feeds in time for the 4pm, 5pm, and 6pm shows.  I can proudly report that I had no errors to speak of in the afternoon.

I love my family and I miss them dearly when I'm here at work.  I made a video of me singing Peppa Pig.  I love to do that for Ben.  Kelly said that he loved my video.

Here at work, I saw the Oklahoma City Thunder finish off the Dallas Mavericks and the St. Louis Blues on the verge of eliminating the Defending Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks.

I didn't get around to doing any writing samples this evening.  I didn't read enough and I was not interested in doing so today.  Maybe tomorrow or later in the week I'll get my groove back.  Until then, I'll be back for more on Tuesday.

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