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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journal Entry for April 14, 2016

This morning started off better for me.  I work up briefly just after 7AM and for good just after 8AM.  I did not have any remarkable dreams like I did yesterday morning.  My wife fed Ben his opening bottle as she did for Blake.  Ben also got his breakfast from my wife before I started to function.  She even made me breakfast full of waffles and sausage too.

Ben and Blake both had a special day for today.  They would get to go to Zoo Atlanta.  They would get to see their special friend Ava as they did for her 2nd birthday party on Sunday.  I would have liked to have gone to the zoo, but I had to be here at work by 2:30PM.  I did not want to go to the zoo and rush off to work so suddenly.

After my family left home, I read a couple of articles from The Washington Post, The New England Journal of Medicine, and I vacuumed the entire house all before leaving the house by 1:30PM.  I felt bad that I didn't spend any quality time with Gandalf when I was alone with him.  I'll do better for him tonight.  I promise.  I'll spend more time with him and stay off my iPhone to pay more attention to him.  I'll love on him a little more.

After I left home, I went to the local RaceTrac and got some free stuff.  I got a free cup of coffee and a free soda to take with me to work.  I went the usual speed on I-75 and I did not have to rush here to work today.  I had my sips of soda, coffee, and water as I was listening to The Kimmer, CBS NEWS, and Dave Ramsey all while driving on the freeway.

I got some writing samples done, for sports.  I will voice one of those again soon.  I promise.

I did pretty good for the most part editing my videos and putting them in for CBS46 news tonight.  I want to do better tomorrow to close out the week.

I met up with an old CNN colleague as I was walking into work today.  It was a pleasant conversation and I felt better about wanting to work with him again.  I admit I didn't have the best relationship with him during my days at CNN.  Looking back on it, I didn't work hard for him all the time.  That attitude must change.

I'm going to catch up on some TV watching on my DVR right now.  It's a must.  Sorry about my bad franetic writing for the late night.  I'll be more organized tomorrow.  Until then, peace out everyone.

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