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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Journal Entry for April 7, 2016

Last night on my way home, I got scared as I was driving up I-75.  There were some bad storms once I got deep into Cobb County.  I saw hard rain, sideways rain, blinding rain, and lightning as I was going home Northbound on the freeway.

I was worried for my safety.  I was holding on to the steering wheel really tight.  I was holding on for dear life at one point.  I was worried about other cars splashing me too hard as I was slowing down and as they were speeding up.  I wanted nothing more than to go home safely, which I did.

Once I got home, I cuddled up near Gandalf P. Cat and watched some TV on my old DVR.  I finished off "QUIZ SHOW" and watched another SHOWTIME documentary 'The Seven Five.'  It was about a New York police precinct that had some corrupt cops there.

Blake and I had some fun together today.  We played, laughed, ate, and read.  Well, I did all the reading.  Blake was becoming my little destructor on the book 'Penguin says please.'

Kelly and Blake had fun together before I had to go to work today.

Hours before I left for work, I vacuumed the house and got it clean for Blake.  I'm amazed how bad the floor is when you don't vacuum for a week or more.

Have fun tonight and I'll be back for more again on Friday.

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