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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Journal Entry for Friday, March 18, 2016

Today will be another long day for me.  I know it.  Good thing I got to sleep in just a little bit this morning.  My wife woke up with Blake and later Ben before I got up from my dream that I know don't remember.

I got to wake up to watching "TODAY" with my wife and two kids.  I was home playing with Blake and Ben.  Ben had some yummy breakfast while Blake and I played on the floor and watched some TV together.

I had the honor of feeding Blake some yummy baby food this afternoon.  Only little did I know I was feeding him some green baby food.  I got him some peas, spinach, and squash.  I smiled at him saying yum yum yum.  I didn't buy it myself because it smelled funny to me.  Don't worry it wasn't unsafe or anything.  It wouldn't be anything I would eat.  I give Blake some credit for being a good sport about it.

I got to feed Ben some chicken nuggets, green beans, and mac and cheese.  He ate his chicken, but not much else.  I didn't want to be the one to eat his lunch, but I did.  Life works that way sometimes.

I worked, and I watched some of the NCAA Tournament here in my edit bay.  Again my station aired the Tournament on CBS all day today.  We'll be done with the news in about ten minutes.  I just uploaded a package re-track that I edited tonight.

The one thing about working during the tournament is that I don't get home until way late.  I miss my family so much, and I know that Kelly is taking extremely good care of our boys.  I'll get to see them in all their glory on Saturday.  I'll get to play with them and help them with some Palm Sunday festivities throughout the weekend.

As the night got longer, I had some time to sample different Georgia radio stations way outside Metro Atlanta.  I liked what I heard.  I heard a song I hadn't heard in a while, Dan Seals' "Bop."

I'm getting excited about football season already.  Our station has been doing reports about Spring Practice and UGA and Georgia Tech pro days.  I'll be excited about the upcoming NFL draft really soon.  I can't wait.

I want to eat some football food:  Steak and chicken wings.  I want some beer too.  Man, I really can't wait.

I'll be back for more again soon.  Have a great weekend and I'll be back next week.


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