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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Journal Entry for March 23, 2016

Today has been a good day so far.  I had a short turnaround for sleep as I failed to turn in until 1:45AM.  I was summoned to be up by 7:30 so that I could be ready to be with both Ben and Blake.  During the time I am in bed, Blake will sometimes need a diaper in the early morning hours.  There are times that I have to hold baby Blake as Kelly gets a baby diaper ready for him.  I have to make sure I'm not asleep when I hold Blake.  I don't want him to get away as he is more mobile than ever.

We all got ready to go to Swift Cantrell Park in Kennesaw by 10AM this morning.  It just so happened that we saw some of the parents of Ben's preschool classmates out there.  Ben was focused on play.  I was focused on watching and monitoring Ben at play.  I made sure he was safe and sound while Kelly hung out with the other moms out there.  We all had a marvelous time.  As always, there is a time to go home and poor Ben didn't like it.  I didn't want to have to pick Ben up, but I did.  I did it for the good of the family so we could all go home.

Before we went home, Kelly and I had to go make a pit stop.  I got tempted to getting each of us a 'fizzy.'  She got a Coke and I got a Coke Zero.  We were thirsty.  It might not be the best way to quench a thirst, but we wanted it anyway.  Boy did those drinks taste good and hit the spot.

Ben, oh Ben.  He played a lot when he got home.  He finished off his blue dum dum sucker.  He didn't have much of the munchies soon after.  I tried to get Ben to eat after Kelly made a great lunch for all of us.  Ben had a chance to eat some yummy grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans.  I ate all those things while Ben said no.

See below:  Ben sucking his thumb as I attempt to get selfies of him watching "Special Agent Oso."  That is one of his favorite cartoons on Disney Junior.  I wish I had luck finding a Special Agent Oso bear at a store somewhere.  I need three special steps in order to locate one.

On my way to work, I listened to "The Kimmer, WMLB-AM/CBS NEWS, and "The Dave Ramsey Show".  I did so all while driving down on I-75, and I didn't sing to anything in my car.

I got some of my writing chops back tonight.  I wrote several sample scripts from some of the things I read online tonight.  I'll do so again tomorrow.

I had a positive day editing some videos and editing a TOP 5 by Fred kalil and David Ries.  I love to do those once a week.  The hardest thing is to balance editing that while editing the news videos of the day in the afternoon.  Check out my TOP 5 edit on this blog and on Youtube.

I'll be back for more fun again tomorrow.  Peace.

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