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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Journal Entry for March 29, 2016

I'm feeling good even though I only had 5.5 hours of sleep from the night before.  I got to wake up early and get my son Ben ready for the day.  I warmed up his milk in the microwave and poured it into a blue sippy cup.  When I walked into the boys' room, both Ben and Blake were asleep.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I could not believe that I woke up before both of my sons did.  They looked like they were both out cold.  I wish that I had taken a picture of both of them in their cribs.  They looked so peaceful, so innocent, and so sweet.  Nothing was going to disturb their sleep for a good long while.

Here at work, I've spent more than an hour listening to Monday's episode of JT The Brick.  I've missed this show for quite some time.  I hope to get back into listen to it more and more some day.  I'll listen to to sooner than later next time.  I love the voices of JT and Thom Looney when they work together.

Soon, I'm going to get my writing chops back.  I've practiced with an AJC story online earlier today.  Soon, I will find some video that my station shot and start writing to it on my blog.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time when it comes to me writing stories.

Earlier when I was home, I got to see Blake stand up and power his way around the house.  He crawled a lot.  He crawled from the living room all the way to the kitchen and the laundry room.  There was a time when I wondered how he got to where he was from the living room.  I thought to myself 'boy, he's fast!'.  I won't be able to keep up with him much longer.

After lunch, I got to pick Ben up from preschool.  I got to see him crawl all the way up front to near where I drive.  I picked up my sweet little toddler and put him firmly in his car seat.  He had doggy with him all the way home.  I keep doggy in the Rogue so that doggy is safe and sound (and clean too).

The hardest part of my day is leaving my family behind at home.  I know that I'm doing the right thing by going to work, but I still miss my family.  I even said goodbye to Gandalf P. Cat on the way out.

Speaking of going out, I'm going home for the night.  I'll be back for a busier day here at work tomorrow.

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