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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Journal Entry for March 8, 2016

I overslept again this morning.  Once again, I did it to myself by staying up late again last night.  I didn't get to bed until just after 1:30AM.  I need to do better and go to bed earlier.  I can't be staying here at the station for anything extra anymore.  I need to do better by getting out the door by 11:35PM each evening.

Ben woke up mad right after 8AM.  His cup of milk did not soothe him right away.  I got on him for kicking me in the nuts right before breakfast, and I popped hi shand.  We were both sad about that.  I didn't mean to ruin his appetite, but I did.  I'm sorry Ben :-(  I didn't mean it.  I'll be a better daddy from now on.  You deserve a great daddy.

I watched Blake play, try to crawl, try to stand up, and spit up, all on the floor.

I redeemed myself by feeding Ben some breakfast before I took him to Preschool.  I dropped him off later than usual and picked him up earlier than usual.  I love taking Ben to and from preschool twice a week.  Even more redemption came our way:  Caroline thanked Ben and my family for her birthday present.

I had to make three stops today after I took Ben to preschool:  to the storage unit, Gamestop, and Publix.

I took longer than I thought I would in emptying most the contents of our storage unit this morning.  This happened after I got to GameStop way too early before it was scheduled to open.

I wanted to try to bring the Big Blue Box into the Rogue, but it was too heavy for me to put in all by myself.  So I had to put some of the boxes of baseball cards into the car individually.  My goal is to sell them, and mainly, unload them and get them off my hands and out of my hair.  They're simply too heavy to keep lugging around, and I realize now that paper products are too heavy to carry long term.

As a matter of fact, on Sunday, I got rid of a lot of magazines and old newspapers from my past (while living in California and Arizona).  It was the right thing to do, and I don't feel right about trying to keep papers up in the attic.

I kept Blake has happy as I could while Kelly was finishing up the blinds in the Boys' room and while the Exterminator was repairing the damage to the molding of the door inside our home.

Tonight's dinner here at work was made up of Lucky Charms, fruit, and a granola bar for dessert.  I had a lot of coffee to get me going throughout the day.

I got to edit a package for the 11PM show about the 'Midtown Sucker Puncher' here in Atlanta.  I think of him as a (rhymes with Sucker Puncher).  You will see my piece that I edited in my next entry soon.

I have a long day ahead tomorrow.  I hope to get through it through the power of God, my family, Jesus Christ, and Dave Ramsey.

Nite Nite everyone.

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