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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Journal Entry for March 2, 2016

Today was kind of a tough day to start out.  I didn't wake up until 8:30AM.  I would have slept in more had Blake not been stirring around in his sleep.  I know it wasn't his fault.  He means well and does what he is supposed to do as a baby.  Blake has a distinct way of letting me know something is wrong (by crying).

Ben was a good boy for the most part.  I had to get on to him a couple of times for not listening to me or his mother.  I didn't want to it, but I had to smack his hand for hitting me and hitting Blake.  I want to make sure Ben is a good boy and a great man going forward, and I don't want to have to resort to 'spanking' in the months ahead.

Earlier today, I had to go back to storage to retrieve our new car seat for Ben.  I also got some things out of storage so that I could donate more things to goodwill.  I've done that for two days in a row and hope to do that more often soon.  My family and I are undergoing a huge decluttering campaign inside our home.

When Kelly was gone to the grocery store for such a short time, I didn't like it for Blake and Ben.  Blake was cranky and Ben was all over the place in the house.  I felt bad that I couldn't get them together in the living room.  If they played together, it would have been a bonus.

The hardest part of my day was saying goodbye to the boys as I had to get ready to go to work.

The only good thing about leaving home for work was that I had a fresh Coke Zero in my hand.

I got in to work early today.  I think I missed a scheduled meeting among editors and producers this afternoon.  I have very important family matters that prevent me from leaving home way early to make a 1:30PM meeting here at CBS46.

Once I got going, I started editing the basic VOs, SOT/VOs, and ingested reporters' packages that they fed from the field and moved them over to playback to go on the air.

I'm starting to watch and listen to more live video feeds on Facebook.  I think this live TV thing online is really going to take off real soon.

Things got even better as 6:30PM rolled around.  It was a time to relax, stretch out, walk around, and get more coffee.  After that, I took my time in deleting media from our servers like I always do each and every day.  After that, I had some dinner and some playtime on the PC.

It's 9:15 PM, and not much has been written for me to edit video from yet.  I worry that things are going to be done at the last minute.  That ultimately makes my work suffer in the end.  The worse part is that other people higher above me will let me know how bad my work was for the day.

I'm looking forward to getting my taxes done.  Sure I will have to pay big money to get them done by a professional, but I will save a lot of time and I will get a lot of money back from the government in short order.  My family has some plans for what to do with the dough.

It's 10:15 PM.  Even though I didn't edit a lot of video tonight, I have been practicing my writing.  My goal is just to feel comfortable about writing and finding my own voice in writing.  I want to be able to play my game, not the other person's game.  That's how I feel when it comes to writing.

Time for me to go home now.  I'll be back for more work again tomorrow.

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