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Friday, March 25, 2016

Journal Entry for March 24, 2016

I had to wake up twice this morning in order to get myself going for the day.  I didn't get to sleep until 2AM and I felt it today.

One of the highlights of my day was playing with Blake and taking his pictures.  Soon, he's going to have some front teeth on the upper part of his mouth.  I felt little holes where some teeth might be some day.  Some of his teething may explain why he felt so miserable this morning.  That could also explain some of the coughing he was experiencing today.

See some of the last gummy smiles he'll ever have.

I truly love that smile.  It shows me the optimism a little boy has and the hope for a brighter future.  It's these smiles and the laughs that he shows us that makes being a parent all the more worth while.

I picked up Ben from preschool today.  He got from the back seat all the way up to the steering wheel in the Rogue.  I had to get out of the car and pick Ben up from the driver's side back to his car seat.  I gave him hugs and kisses before I had to put him back in.  I gave him his doggy back, but I couldn't give him the two teddy bears that Blake usually plays with.

I'm not happy here at work today.  Work has been a little frustrating for me for the early part of my day.  I had trouble bringing in video that was e-mailed to me.  It was video from a McDonald's camera where suspects went to and from the restroom.  The story was where the suspects robbed a McDonald's in South Fulton County.

I need more coffee to get me through the evening.  I'm really, really tired tonight.  After my cup of coffee, I got going for my second wind.

Tonight, we're airing the 11PM News on CBS46 at about 12:08AM.  It's a full show mind you.  It's a full 35 minutes as always at 11PM.

My right knee and leg both hurt tonight.  I'm not sure why they do.  I don't think I slept in an unusual position last night.  I suspect that Blake stepped on me a lot and crawled all over me today.  I shouldn't be mad about that.  He is at least getting around on the floor of our home.

It's (early) FRIDAY!!!!!  I'm going to leave for home soon.  I have one more stop for the night:  It's a trip brought on by the Easter Bunny.

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