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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Journal Entry for March 15, 2016

Today was a good day to wake up.  Blake even slept well and I was well rested when he woke up.  I didn't even have to go back to sleep for anything.  I worked hard to get everything ready for Ben to go to school this morning.

The hallmark of my preparation came late last night after I got home and packed up Ben's lunch for his session of preschool for today.

After I got done with Ben's meal, I caught up on some TV watching on my DirecTV DVR.  I finished watching "Mr. Baseball: Bob Uecker" from MLB Network.  I love Bob Uecker as 'Harry Doyle' from "Major League", 'George Owens' on "Mr. Belvedere", and as the real life play-by-play announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers.

As I was sleeping throughout the night, I was doing some weird calculations in my head and I was thinking about all the Taco Mac yummies that I ate last night here at work.  For good measure, I saved some for my dinner tonight.

I got to pick Ben up from Preschool, and I was able to buckle him up successfully like I always do.  He was very happy to see me and everything.  He didn't fight me on the buckle up this time.

Before I came into work this afternoon, I prayed inside my car.  I didn't get on my knees or anything like that.  I couldn't since I was driving toward I-75.  I thanked God for what I have, asked for forgiveness for the sins I committed, and asked God to help me be calm, have a positive attitude, and be able to do what I was supposed to do (all while being here at work today).

I'm feeling better so far.  I'm getting my writing practice back on.  I have to.  Tomorrow is going to be real for me.  I'm getting to write some actual scripts for CBS46 News for the 11PM show.  I will want to get back to editing so that I don't leave my co-workers behind and that I don't shirk my present responsibilities.

I had a lot of downtime earlier this evening.  I was able to dub down from Beta tape my old audition tapes of me on camera and post them to this blog and to my Youtube page.  I admittedly cringed by how uncomfortable I looked on camera for my audition from the old KNXV news set.  I felt a sense of sadness that it could be the last time I ever get to do that in my lifetime.

I did it!!!  I wrote four sample stories from news events throughout the day today.  I will have to ramp it up tomorrow since I'll be tasked to write some stories for the 11PM news tomorrow.  I'm playing for real this time.  I'm playing for a chance to become a writer and a producer one day.  I'm boning up on my writing so that all the other pieces can fall into place.

Time for me to go now.  I ended everything on a high note tonight.  I'll be back for more tomorrow.


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